Thursday, November 5, 2009

eleven / five / oh-nine

Thoughts / Musings that I couldn't flesh out into an entire entry:

+ "White Trash Parties" are only acceptable and funny if you are not actually white trash. If your "costume" was assembled out of things in your closet that cannot be classified as "costume clothes," then maybe you should consider a different type of party theme. Suggested alternative themes: "High-School Graduate Party," "Normal, functioning members of Society Night," or the classic "Alcoholic beverages not consumed out of a Keg and/or Trashcan Party."

+The other night, I went and saw "Where the Wild Things Are" at the local movie theater. When I was walking out of the movie theater, I passed the arcade, where I saw a middle-aged man playing Guitar Hero by himself. He was really into it. This would be acceptable, sure, if he wasn't my Dad's age playing a video game in a suit. At 10:30 pm. On a Tuesday. Thumbs down.

+ I had to go to the dentist the other day (man, do I hate the dentist.) and the assistant dentist (?) told me that I might have to get a cavity filled. Actually, what the blue-scrubbed glorified teeth cleaner said was "he might not even worry about it, it's not through the enamel yet." Then the Dentist (dentists wear green scrubs. So in the oral-hygiene hierarchy: green trumps blue) said I had four cavities. And that he was being conservative. (Well duh, this is Texas, no need to brag, you're not special.) I said that I thought he was lying. He said that it wouldn't have happened if I would floss more. I said flossing was stupid. He said he looks forward to seeing me next week. I made a snarky remark about his establishment. Today, my tooth hurts. Karma = bitch.

It's sad when you can only list three things as your "thoughts" for the week. Oh well. I thought other things, they just weren't very funny. Job searching makes me want to pull my brain out through my ears with those wooden tong things that you use to get toast out of the toaster. Only my ear canals are too small, so it wouldn't even work. I cannot catch a break.

1 comment:

Marina H said...


just thought i'd share.

(my word verification is "Swoos". wtf is that? all i can think of is basketball for some reason. weird?)