Wednesday, September 9, 2009

"Oh-Nine" Day is lamer than I thought it would be.

Well, today is absolutely desolate. It started out really great, too. I think that is what's making it seem even worse. I woke up, feeling rejuvenated and ready to brave the day. I went downstairs, and there was just enough milk for a complete glass. Then I turn on the television, and "10 Things I Hate About You" is on Encore, which means, no commercials! So I watch about an hour of that (long enough to see my favorite scenes, and get a healthy dose of Heath Leger face) and I'm ready to get going on my day.

This is where I went wrong. The very second I sit down to write out a grocery list as a sub-list to my daily to-accomplish list, I notice my room getting dimmer and dimmer. But I don't cave. I keep my eyes on the prize, finish my list, and decide to get ready to go to the store now, before the weather gets bad. So I throw on some jeans, and a t-shirt, my hair hasn't been brushed in a while but whatever, and I grab my things to leave. At this point, the only way to describe the atmospheric state outside is "calm-before-the-effing-hurricane grey." So I break down, and I turn on a lamp. And the second click of that knob, right as the energy saving bulb kicks on, was the catalyst. The heavens break open, and sheets of water, freaking sheets I tell you, come raining down upon the earth.

You would think that it would just be easier to take a photo of all of this, to accurately depict why I am now blogging rather than accomplishing things, such as hunting and gathering at the local corporate food palace. But here is the kicker to my morning. I grabbed my camera, trekked downstairs, walked outside in the humid, wet outdoors (I, of course, was under the safety of the port-a-cache) and what is this? My camera finally dies a very inconveniently quiet, ill-timed death. This is surprising not because it died. But because my technology usually has a habit of going out with a bang. Something grand, dramatic and nigh unforgettable. But alas, this time, my digital camera went to sleep, never to awake again. I will miss the "beep-beep-beep" of her waking up, the flightiness of her focus (much like her owner, I should add) and the abuse she suffered during many passed-around parties. RIP, camera. It's been a blast.

In other news, I think I set a record for number of horn honks while driving yesterday. I didn't start counting until around seven I think, but if my guestimate is correct, it was in the 12 to 15 range. Why is this? Because people really suck at driving. Bottom line: that's what the problem is. I am good, they are not.

I hate honking my horn. I hate it because my horn is really wimpy in comparison to the rage that I feel when tempted to use it. It's like, I am swearing up a storm, cursing families, vowing sweet revenge on all who have wronged me, and the only way I can make the object of my wrath know that I am indeed talking to him, is this little "meeeep" sound. So I've just said something entirely menacing, and all they hear is "I'm slightly annoyed, but too docile to really do anything about it" which is just frustrating.

So I don't tend to use my horn. But when I do, when I feel like the situation is just too out of control to just drive defensively, I break out the extended-horn honk. That's where I hold down the button for about fifteen seconds, to let anyone and everyone around me know that the little red Acura, while small in stature, is absolutely going to ram in to you if you don't get the hell out of her way. This, as I go flying past them, is always accompanied by a pointed glare, and several choice words about either taking away their license, or life, whichever seems more satisfying. So yesterday, there were 12 to 15 extended-horn honks. And I must say, some of my strings of insults got pretty interesting and creative towards the end there. (I may be angry, but I also don't like to keep using the same lines over and over again. I have integrity.)

I guess maybe the rain is God's way of saying, "stay off the road today, Elle, or you might just actually break one of those stone-tablet rules and then I'll have to smite you." And that's not on today's to-do list, so there's that. I guess maybe I could finish some applications, or read? But more than likely, I will end up watching Season 5 of The Office on DVD in my pajamas. And I don't even really feel bad about that.

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