For those of you who are not total audio nerds, like myself, a "hero take" is what we refer to as the best version of a particular recording. This is today's hero take:
"Dallas Audio Post, this is Jeremiah,"
"Hi, I am wondering if you could help me, I have a couple high 8 tapes, you know the Sony ones? They can play in the Sony Cameras. (Pause: Whenever someone wants to sound like they know what they're talking about when they really don't, the scapegoat is always Sony. "Well, this should work best, I mean, it's a Sony." Right, got it.) Well, part of it got recorded over, and I was wondering if you knew any way to recover what was previously on there."
"I don't know of any way to do that, but this is an audio studio, we don't deal with video."
"I searched the internet and found a place that said they could do that, but it's in Massachusetts."
"Well, you could try calling them?"
"But they're in Massachusetts." (Pause: I understand, sir, I wouldn't want to call them either. Gross, Massachusetts.)
"Well, you could try a place in Richardson, TX called "You Edit Video," and see if they know."
"Oh okay, do you have their number?"
"No, but you can find them on the internet."
"Okay, I'll just search the internet. Thanks."
FABULOUS. First off, High 8 tapes are analog. Even a Sony can't un-magnetize the tape to restore it to the original magnetization. I know, I didn't believe it either, but it's true.
Secondly, this "place" in Massachusetts, albeit foreign, is able to be reached by phone. Further proof that most people in Texas think that the New England area is really in Europe with Old England. Regardless, hypothetical Massachusetts-studio probably doesn't do what you think they do anyway, unless the owner happens to be Albus Dumbledore. And everyone knows, he's dead.
Lastly, please don't refer to the internet as a place you search as if you were forging for berries in the woods. It's not even a place, it's a thing. If there was a way to sound LESS hip by trying to sound MORE hip, this gentleman has discovered it.
WINZ: Dallas Audio Post, Studio C - for fielding that call.
FAILZ: ...that guy.