Thursday, June 4, 2009


On my mind:

There’s a commercial for Texaco with Techron, where a guy is talking about all the changes he’s done to his car, and how people who KNOW cars, know to use Techron from Texaco. (Which, as a side note, I was under the impression was Chevron’s thing? Chevron with Techron? Talking cars? Anyone? No? Okay, moving on.)

Here’s my problem with this commercial. The guy is in a garage. Things are happening in said garage. Yet, the audio is as clean as if he were standing in one of those "no reflections” rooms that make people lose their marbles. What gives? Well, for those of you who don’t understand the process, what happened was that all of “guy’s” dialog was voiced-over in a studio, with what sounds like a one-mic set up. Issue: there is no distance in the recording, yet there is distance, and plenty of environmental noise depicted in the picture.

I thought the gas companies were okay, that it was only the car companies cutting their budgets? No Addie for you, post-production engineer. Consider this an example of ball dropped.

Today’s fails: people who take forever to make a simple right-hand turn, whoever is leaving time and the door open on the microwave (passive aggressive notes?), and the existence of the show “I’m a Celebrity, Get me out of here.”

Today’s wins: American Citizenship and how it applies to me, Green Day’s “East Jesus Nowhere,” and the quote, “Merlin was even said to do his best magic in an Oak Grove.”

1 comment:

Ataraxian (Kyle Norby) said...

LoL at the microwave and twilight-zone guy in the garage.

Someone should throw that specific microwave through the studio window, in a "thrown-n-run" excursion! (I'm leaning towards Marina).

Thanks for the comment on mah blog!